Sunday, April 29, 2012

Vanna- April 29th, 1774

Dear Diary,

Why could I not sleep last night?  Why did my eyes not blink once?  I'll tell you, diary.  Twas because I feel guilty.  Quite guilty.  What were my wicked actions?  I wronged Jacob.  Yesterday I purposely put salt instead of sugar into Claire's tea.  Why, oh why, do they make salt and sugar the same color?  Oh, the same horrible tempting color.  It was quite humorous to see Claire jump up from the table, sputtering and coughing so.  But what came next was terrible.  Robert gave Jacob the worst scolding, and I did not speak up.  I regret not saying, "Twas I who wronged my sister!", but I did not.  
Who gave me the idea?  That William Adams.  What a wretched boy.  He took me aside the other day and said to me, "If you put salt in your eldest sister's tea and do not take blame, I shall give you a piece of sixpence."  Oh, not any sixpence in the world is worth this guilt.  But I shall not move on, though Jacob has granted me forgiveness.  I shall never play a joke ever again.  Never will I feel this guilt again.  Regardless how satisfying revenge and the such is, I shall never recognize that sweet, yet wicked, feeling again.
I will not even get revenge on Kat for replacing Jacob's trousers with her petticoats during bathing tonight.  He looked so angry when he realized his trousers were gone.  His face was so red and eyes narrowed.  He hates it when someone plays a trick on him.  He says the reverse is much more enjoyable.


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