Friday, May 4, 2012

Kat~ May 4, 1774

Dear Diary, Today me and my friend Harriet went to 'the lake.' A.K.A. The Lake of Secrets. Why? Because nobody knew we went there. We swim, swing on ropes that we made, lay down on the soft grass and imagine our petticoats away, roll around in mud and pretend we're getting a tan (or a black, and sometimes we sneak into town disguised as boys in trousers and find beautiful horses to gallop on. I don't know what the real name of the lake is, but I'm sure my Harmonica does...she's so smart..if Father let's me buy her. A strong thoroughbred mare from our annual town auction. When I saw her, I screamed so loud and before my sisters hushed me, the horse did. My Harmonica hushed me silent with her amazingness. I've been begging every single tear out of my body for it, but wheels aren't turning. When I arrived home, I was so afraid Robert suspected something when he saw my wet hair. I explained how our beagle rose got sick and spit up on me when I was petting her. I ran away quickly enough from him before he tells me to come closer to see if I was telling the truth or getting punished. After I got dressed, I heard a faint cry coming from the closet. I was so scared, but I opened the door was Vanna!! "Vanna, I'm sure Jacob both forgot and forgave you for the salt inident," I said in a soft voice. She relipied in her tears, "It's not that." This barely happened in the Hillman household. The suspension was killing me until she said, "Father lost his job. And we have to move away with him while Robert and Jacob stay home and tend to the house by themselves! He was explaining last night how it will be dangerous for all of us and there will be very low money to live on." I stood there completely motionless. Everything Vanna said scanned through my mind again and again, like a nightmare. I stuttered, "How do you know this?" By that time, Claire walked into the room. She said, "I heard the whole thing. How are we supposed to believe you?" Vanna slammed the closet door and started sobbing again. Then I opened it and came in with Claire. Claire said, "When Father gets home, we'll all talk about it. Four hours later.....: After 3.5 hours of arguing on who would bring up the subject, he called us all together and spilled it out right when he opened the door. I saw Jacob's eyes tear all up and we were all heartbroken. Except Robert was just polishing his rifle. Vanna was right. He just explained how Robert and Jacob would continue school and stay here on there own. We were too devestated to ask why we couldn't. Claire was depressed about this, I was excited, and Vanna...I can't tell right now but I'm sure she'll be bouncing off the walls in a few days. In our room we couldn't sleep. We kept the subject alive and asked each other millions of questions until Robert came in all groggy and told us to turn around for our spankings. I guess that cheered us up. At least Claire. She even cracked open her favorite antique Chef TL cookbook. She claimed to make us an unforgettable dish the day of our departure. Why would Robert's spankings cheer us up you may wonder? When he was done I chuckled, "At least Father has nothing to worry about. Nobody's ever going to marry Robert, they'll get spanked every night!" So we all smiled at 5 in the morning, half forgot about moving, and went to bed.

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